Latina Leadership
Fighting the Latina Pay Gap
“Wait, what?” That is what I kept thinking as I was reviewing the salary information of a younger, white, male employee I had recently been hired to supervise. “Is it really that much?” I kept asking myself when making the calculations in my head and then on the calculator in case my mental math was faulty. My new report was making 35% more in salary than me. “How could this happen? Why?”

Latino Leaders
Ana Larrea-Albert has a perfect analogy for the work that her company does, “Inclusion and diversity open the doors to the party, but when we get to the party,we need to have the right moves when we get to the dance floor.”That is exactly what Ana does each day through the work of Latina Leadership Collective (LLC), the company she founded and leads. LLC provides a platform to coach and mentor Latinas who are growing in their careers to have the “right moves.” Those right moves usually receive the label of “soft skills” when in reality they are indispensable. She believes the keys to success, or the “right moves” are leadership, personal branding, and networking. LLC works with very successful Latinas; “We are good at what we know,” says Ana. However, many times the next steps towards success may require additional skills. This is the opportunity that Ana addresses through the work of LLC.
Latinos in Business
Dr. Betty is a recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, organizational turnarounds, and peak performance, she has been honored consistently for her strategic intellect and humanitarian endeavors. With a drive for business and a heart for making a difference, Dr. Betty shares her passion for values on a global scale. With this interview, she continues to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by highlighting amazing speakers worldwide making a difference in the Latino community.
Inspiring tomorrows Leaders
Author and mentor Ana Larrea-Albert encourages our youngest to dream big and with the help of a mentor, teacher, or parent they can already create and make a difference in their small little world. For more information visit
Humbled and grateful beyond words. The education I received during my Executive MBA at Florida Atlantic University has been a driver in my professional success and I’m so thankful to Florida Atlantic University – College of Business for this lovely feature on the work I do to give back to the community. It is my responsibility to share what I have learned through speaking, coaching and mentoring and to encourage others to dream big. I consider myself an ambassador for immigrants who came to the US to work hard and because of the wonderful opportunities I have been awarded, I am indebted to the country and feel that it’s my duty to create more opportunity for others. The pride I feel from seeing my mentees and students at FAU reach for and accomplish their dreams is incredibly fulfilling, and to have my alma mater recognize the value of the evenings and Saturdays that I get to spend with them is the icing on the cake. Thank you again FAU! Go Owls!

Latinas of Influence
I’m proud to announce that Hispanic Lifestyle has named me as one of the 2017 Latinas of Influence for the work I’ve been doing with NENANI.
Radio Latina
Es un placer conversar con mujeres emprendedoras con quienes compartes una vision de un futuro donde las mujeres Latinas tienen una presencia importante en la economía y gobierno estadounidense y en las Américas. Jackie Lopez es una Latina emprendedora que dedica su talento a motivar a otras mujeres a salir adelante en sus iniciativas. Jackie me presento la oportunidad de conversar sobre el concepto de liderazgo como Latina y de las iniciativas y futuro de NENANI. Mil gracias Jackie!

Sun Sentinel
A critical step towards achieving professional success is through continuous improvement and never-ending learning. Whether that learning takes place in an academic setting or in a business setting is not important. What is crucial is to keep reaching outside one’s comfort zone to allow for real growth to take place. For me, having an MBA was a necessary milestone, so when I was able to restart the academic journey it was very fulfilling. I had many options from which to choose for Executive MBA programs and I decided to return to Florida Atlantic University (I also have an undergrad in Marketing from FAU). I couldn’t be happier with my decision. On April 24, 2016, the Sun Sentinel, one of South Florida’s top news source, featured my story of success as an FAU EMBA grad as told by Tracy Kolody, Special Sections Writer. Thank you Tracy and go Owls!